So, last weekend, a friend and I decided we'd stop trying to be the post-rock band we'd always wanted to be and take a different musical route. We decided it should still be something we where passionate about but at the same time something we'd both be fairly good at (needless to say, power metal and Scandinavian pop where out the window). We came to the conclusion that Hip-Hop was where we both felt comfortable.

To us, this felt like the strangest thing ever as neither of us, up until around 2 years ago, wasn't vaguely interested in Hip-Hop or any of it's other sub genres. It was something we left to our other friends to listen to as we never really "connected" with what 50 Cent or Eminem had to say..

When our musical snobbery subsided and we finally saw that two artists don't typecast a whole genre no matter what the music (except, of course, Scandinavian Pop and Power Metal) we started digging deeper and found that we couldn't have been more wrong about the whole idea of Hip-Hop. Out of all the artists I have embraced within the last couple of years, I have fallen in love the most with J Dilla. The way his music flows and the way he makes the simplistic place of a beat or a bassline at the right moment to give the music far more potency makes me feel far more connected to him than most indie-rock bands who populate the music scene nowadays with their skinny fit jeans and "lost love" lyrics. If you don't know anything at all about Dilla I suggest you give him a bit of researching, his short time on this Earth is filled with some of the greatest produced music I have ever heard. If you ever felt the way I did about Hip-Hop or rap I suggest you give the songs at the end of this post a listen. If you still haven't fallen in love with the music then there's no hope left for you.
Madlib - Mystic Bounce
J Dilla -Love(Feat. Pharoahe Monch)
The Cool Kids - One, Two
never been into hip-hop myself, but this guy is mad into Dilla:
(Geek Down, one of my top blogs to read)
welcome back, and I like the new layout!
cheers for that link my friend, I really cant get enough of Dilla at the moment. And thanks for welcoming me back aswell, it's been awhile since I last logged onto here but I've still been checking out HFN when I can. Hopefully I'll get some more posts up soon!
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