It's amazing how time consuming college can be but I've finally managed to create my Top Ten Albums of this year! Hopefully there wont be as much as a post drought as their has been but don't quote me on that just yet!
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On a side note I'd just like to mention the passing of one of the best blogs I ever came across;"ROAWR!". Mixing hardcore, screamo, early emo, hip-hop, metal and a whole host of other music genre's, the site got me into many, many band's who I wouldn't have heard of otherwise and it is a real shame the creators have decided to shut the place down.
However with it's passing a new blog has sprung into life!
The Spark That Bled has recently just been created by a very good friend of mine and his first posts have already gave promise of much more greater things to come so check it out! Now then, lets get into this list.....
Battles -
Mirrored &
Cadence Weapon -
Breaking Kayfabe

At joint top of my list is Canadian rapper Cadence Weapon and American experimental rock band Battles. Both of these albums are debut's and couldn't be further away from each other in types of music but both have one major thing in common and that's amazing originality. I strongly suggest anyone who has heard neither of these band to check them out as your really missing out! I've got a track from each to really give you an idea of what their like
LeyendeckerCadence Weapon:
Black Hand3.
The Horrors -
Strange House
Causing quite a stir in the British indie scene for their supposed "style over music" ways, the band have proved their haters wrong with their modern take on 60's garage rock.
The Horrors:
A Train Roars4.
Bloc Party -
A Weekend In The City
I was slightly confused about putting this album into the list as it's been a favourite of mine since 2006 when it first leaked onto the Internet. The band have went from strength to strength on this, their second album. I eagerly anticipated what they'll do in 2008
Bloc Party:
Tomahawk -
This album was guaranteed a place in the list as soon as Patton announced it just for the reason that the man's a genius. This album has certainly lived up to expectations and over with Mike and the rest of the guys taking on the challenge of creating an entire album of modern takes on old Native American songs.
Crow Dance6.
Good Shoes -
Think Before You Speak
With complex guitar parts and smart lyrics, Good Shoes debut has been a breath of fresh air in an overly dull British indie scene. Also you should try to catch them live where their already great songs come into a life of their own.
Good Shoes:
Things To Make And Do7.
A teeth smashing debut and late comer into my list, HEALTH are from America and play some of the best noise rock since the Boredoms and are still only kids. I cant put this album on without listening to every song on it.
The Twilight Sad -
Fourteen Autumns & Fifteen Winters
The best new Scottish band for a very long time. The band combine shoegazing and post-rock along with lead singer James Graham's thick accent to make a debut full of songs that will make you glad to be alive.
The Twilight Sad:
Cold Days From The Birdhouse9.
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum -
In Glorious Times
Seeing as the post before this one was a music video by SGM it's safe to say I think they are ace. The Avant-Garde rock band have created a superb third album with snippets of all sorts of genre's littering this album. One for the open-minded.
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum -
Helpless Corpses Enactment10.
Shellac -
Excellent Italian Greyhound
What can you say really? Shellac have been and always be amazing and this album just shows why this is. Buy it now!
Ahhhhh, all done for this year...best go and start next years right now!